Why was Audie Murphy the most decorated WWII combat soldier?

Correct answer: He killed 240 German soldiers and was wounded 3 times.

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What people think about it: 33 Comments
Player #19472386
Player #19472386
There are very few soldiers that can match what he achieved when he was in the Army especially the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Player #31138184
Player #31138184
He was my great grandmother’s 1st cousin. It is told in my family that he started hunting at an early age to help feed his family and that’s how he became such a sharp shooter.
JR. Gee
JR. Gee
wonderful guy, brave at ❤️ for his fells Americans
kids should be required to go into basic training after high school to learn discipline and respect, like in Israel.
Player #33292972
Player #33292972
Hoolie, I believe he lied about his age when he went in. I think he told them he was 18 when he was 16 or 17. All kids today could take a lesson from him. But I bet if asked they would have no idea who he was and they wouldn’t care anyway. Really really sad today.
Player #31663072
Player #31663072
Player #19472386, Few soldiers? Greatest heroic display in history. Nobody could ever come close to what Murphy did.
Player #1137636
Player #1137636
Player #19718431, Most young people don't want to join the military these days because the wars are made for profit or land-grabing. There is no longer any trust in our mega-corporation backed government
Player Mike
Player Mike
Player #19472386, to this day Audie Murphy is STILL the most decorated Soldier in American History !!! I am a U.S.Marine however the years I served there wasn't combat anywhere the U S was involved in
Player #43159368, he was my Mom's idol growing up. when I went Arlington I visited his graveside to show my respect and took a photo for my Mom, she had a scrapbook of him. He answered a higher calling, and loved his brothers in arms.
A real life Rambo.
a dang good man in person as well. humble. love questions on WW2
One of my personal heroes 🦸
Player #92723922
Player #92723922
Player #1137636, Every war in history has been about money or land.
Player #92723922
Player #92723922
Player #31138184, A hunter like Sergeant Alvin York in WW1.
kaye, I was in the USMC and have made that exact comment for as long as I can remember. The problem is that logic would make us a communistic country.
War is so bad, I can’t imagine killing a lot of people like that, wow, what they think about afterwards etc,,
Player #33497296
Player #33497296
kaye, I served 4 years. Best 'mistake' I ever made. I think every citizen should serve 2 years - Basic training, then military or approved voluntary service, before college.
Player #81612496
Player #81612496
thank God for our veterans. thanks for our freedom. the politicians should say the same.
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
Hoolie, oh, I disciplined mine. I was willing to risk going to prison to ensure my kids were raised properly!
Hoolie, if as an adult someone would have TRIED to tell me I couldn't discipline my child I would have died laughing. Discipline used as a tool to correct abhorrent behaviors is not illegal, while beating a child under the age of ten, to death is called capital murder. Know the difference. I have never been arrested, and my mother and my father did not spare the rod. As a child I did not take responsibility for the causality of that discipline, as an adult I thank God my parents loved me enough to correct my abhorrent behaviors and not letting fear of the cops justify parental impotence.
Boogie Night
Boogie Night
I had the honor of meeting a Nam marine who won Navy Cross along with a couple of silver and bronze stars. He was wounded on three occasions but refused his third purple heart. He did so to stay with his buddies.
….and the Marines turned him away!
Player #54785582
Player #54785582
Player #31663072, Sargent York !!
Player #54785582
Player #54785582
kaye, parents job for that not military!!
Alan M
Alan M
I always thought Richard Winters of the 101st 506 band of brothers should have also gotten more recognition.
Player #43159368
Player #43159368
Every infantry soldier in the Army looks up to Audie Murphy as a great heroe because he did was any infantry soldier should do in the line of duty. The first thing I did after basic was look at who he was and what he did because it was a requirement for being and infantry soldier to know who he was. he's considered the greatest infantryman to have ever existed. it's sad that in this day and age no one will ever know sacrifice like him because no one believes in this country anymore.
Player #8008224gato
Player #8008224gato
Player #19718431, I'm sorry the draft ended
Player #37502457
Player #37502457
no one in this generation would be eligible for military duty. overweight, mental health issues
Player #34648807
Player #34648807
Player Mike, Thank you for your service Sir!!
Player #12547507
Player #12547507
Player #6482125, Actually, it is one and the same.
Player Mike
Player Mike
Player #29091581, it is called The C M H for a reason ..... Congressional Medal of Honor !!!!!
Player #6482125
Player #6482125
Player #19472386, There is no Congressional Medal of Honor.. Congress no longer awards it, the President does snd as such, it is just, The Medal of Honor.
Player #10726239
Player #10726239
a great soldier n a hero.would like to see the movie