Which of these rivers flows through the Slovakian capital, Bratislava?

Correct answer: Danube

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What people think about it: 3 Comments
Player #14993519.
Player #14993519.
ayeee, They say it is a beautiful river,,I would like to go see for my self,,
Player #14993519. I've been to Bratislava and Vienna. The Danube goes through both. The 2 cities are only a half hour drive from each other and I think are the Capitals that are the closest together in the world.
Stephanie.S., There are a few "0 km" distances between capital cities - Vatican City/Rome, Nicosia/North Nicosia, Jerusalem/East Jerusalem, but for fully-recognised nations - Kinshasa and Brazzaville are less than 4km apart. Vienna and Bratislava come in 2nd at 55km apart.