What did the king of Thailand, Rama VI do when he saw the flag hanging upside-down?
Correct answer: Created a symmetrical flag

Player #19719147
Flying a flag upside down is to signal distress. Perhaps the flag he saw flying upside down during a flood was someone hoping for help.

Player en_846
Reminds me of the 1992 World Series game. Toronto Blue Jays at Atlanta Braves. They flew our flag upside-down.

little b
my support worker Julie Anderson went to Thailand

avani, i love this game

nice question . almost lost an answer for that

Cosmicvage - He keeps himself busy then!

i love the game and ilove Thai land so much

l love this game

C o s m i c v a g e
He has 20 mistresses

Tanishk Borse
right 👍

my ans was correct

i live from america
and theres snow🤑🤑