In Greek mythology, which of these won the Judgement of Paris for the prize "To the Fairest"?
Correct answer: Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of love and beauty

A sneaky way she done it an it still started a war! 😒

Lady Ria
Rhea is not the greek Goddess of earth

I find it ironic, as a Christian they took their argument to a shepherd prince to judge.

Team Sabrina
I just guessed!!

Ken Taylor
F I Y A❤ ❤ ❤, Easy answer Aphrodite was the most obvious

F I Y A❤ ❤ ❤
so long answer it took me so much time to read and de

Player #97184361
Zizzlestix , Agreed what you said but notice how women is always portrayed with their wiles if used or unused it has a determining factor in the end result that can’t be denied. ! ! !

Cookie Bean, every culture has mythology. I myself adore Celtic mythology. I am currently in the process of finishing a large throat tattoo that is the symbol of Morrigan the Queen of crows

It’s generally the longest answer

zoey, ya its always correct

Dieu linh
Qua tot ngon lanh

tip . always click the longest option
it is the answer

I only got it right because I always pick the longest answer

Gaia, daughter of the Chaos, is the goddess of the Earth, not Rhea

Lady Ria, hi