Which country owns Antarctica?
Correct answer: None

What I find disheartening is how many Americans believe they own Antarctica.

Little Saint, Whatever gave you the entirely erroneous idea that there is no land there ? Surely the fact it is a continent would give you the first clue. Then there's all the pictures of the base camps of the various nations during the summer when they build their buildings ON LAND. 14 million square kilometres of ice-free land and 13.72 million km2 permanently under ice. It's landmass is TWICE THE SIZE OF AUSTRALIA. While penguins are the only land dwellers, the seas are incredibly fertile and support a vast range of creatures.

The Antarctic also qualifies as desert as it has almost no precipitation. The largest desert on the planet.

Player #17921422
DSDA, Americans think they own the world!

Player #17921422, believe me, Americans are sick of Americans!

I have been there. The penguins come right up to you to say hi. Lots of penguin dung to walk in.

Player maz, you're correct when you say "in a sense." Almost all travel flows through McMurdo Station and the station managers are special deputies trained at FLETC in Glynco, GA. However their jurisdiction is limited to Americans. Thanks NatGeo!

little b
I've not been to none countries

Republic of Taiwan
Seven countries (Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom) maintain territorial claims in Antarctica, but the United States and most other countries do not recognize those claims. While the United States maintains a basis to claim territory in Antarctica, it has not made a claim.

only penguins live there. they survived at the cold weather.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player #17921422, Historically that would be the English &/or the British.

Player #17921422, correction: England owns almost 2/3 of the world thank you

Always the best answer none

Player #21035860
niknik, yes...in all those heated under the ice caves...

Many sus things going on in Antarctica I do believe.

NZ helps run it I believe. we have Scott Base.

My mom actually told me that the USA owns Antarctica. Disappointing.

Player #15094731dibe
millwallmarty, is there anything you have not been?

Chloe Lil
I'm guessing no one can own a country if nobody's living there.

like its not a personal belonging like a customized coffee mug with my puppies name on it or anything. lol