Which city has a unique cat sanctuary which floats on one of the canals?
Correct answer: Amsterdam

It's the best thing I've ever heard of, people doing for stray animals, keep up the good work.

Player #15962516
love cats great!!

Whiskers 🐈
wow!! That IS the best thing I've heard all year. I'm a feline 🐈 fanatic so ti say, my Husband and I have always had kitty 😺 kats around us, that's 27yrs so far, n' I canna see that changing anytime soon. Thank you all for caring ❤

Player #30682292
I'm amazed. Considering cats don't like water. I think this is absolutely brilliant. X

Player #15755562
What an amazing thing to do!

Player #12422736jill
brilliant I love cats,!

Player #25232914
Very cool. Very unique. Very admirable. Thank you, Amsterdam.

Player #44608313
SOS, l had a cat who loved to go swimming in the creek on our farm .freaked me out first time she did it.rescued her but she jumped back in.

i wish i could go and visit this cat sanctuary...

That is fabulous. We should have one in USA.

all of our animals are rescue

What a good idea. in the UK, there are quite a few privately owned animal sanctuaries and you sometimes hear of them having to close due to issues with land rents or land sales. This sanctuary in Amsterdam is a great idea, though probably only appropriate for cats or other small furries, as we call them over here...

AWESOME, keep up the great work 😊 God Bless

#RTRESLawaan, totally me too.

Player #132187902
wat fantastic idea , the animals are great , smarter than we are ther are lots of animal lovers out ther

Player #30682292, I used to live on a house boat & cruise around with a happy kitty. He'd even jump in the seas to go for a swim!

wow that's amazing. Everyday is a school day

we need more of these sanctuaries. whether on a canal or a designated area for our homeless friends.I love that Turkey cares for their homeless with food,blankets and love.

Player #30682292, except my part Egyptian Mau who sits OUT IN the rain .... and then comes in for me to dry him with a towel B4 going out again!

UnderdogDuck93916, or two ...

we love cats all animals really. my 3 cats are truly my babies and are so spoiled.

Canals is almost always in the Netherlands

That is the coolest thing I've ever heard of. Other countries should take heed and do the same. I live in a country where the cat population is huge. The people here feed the cats and leave water for them, but the poor kitties have to live in forbidding heat during the hot days of Summer. We don't have a river, so we have to think of some other idea

I wonder if it's in the red light district...if you know what I mean, nyuk, nyuk.

there are some really good people on this earth.. I remember this when I'm about to give up hope

That is so great!

Kaizer Yuan
that's cute,
i didn't know that.

Player #22208828
That's so beautiful, cats are an ancient companion. The Egyptians knew a thing or two.. I have 2 cats I cherish them xx

Thanks Ms. Van Weedle.

BLESS the people who made this cat sanctuary 💖👍💯 ya'll rock !

Player #41360751
What a wonderful thing to do for the cats

I saw that when I was a little girl on holiday in Belgium with my parents. I've actually got a shot of it from movie film my Dad took with his cine camera! Ahhh those were the days.....

I wish people would do that here. it's a great idea. there are many animal shelters but a lot of then euthanize animals and I hate that. we really must give people a chance to adopt one.

Player #65616553
More cities should do that for all animals.. For cat lovers, if u ever get a chance to make it to Lanai,HI , they have a cat sanctuary with hundred of super friendly cats.. and the island is beautiful

unusual take on Battersea Dogs (& now cats) Home in South London. Always understood that our domestic feline friends were not great fans of water.

This is such an amazing way to show compassion for the Voiceless innocent animals ❤

more countries should be doing this

HighFives1990, I like the Dutch

Player #23657664
HighFives1990, I love kitties and the dutch

Aaaww I wish there is also be a sanctuary of cats in my country