During which voyage did James Cook discover the islets of Langerhans?
Correct answer: He did not discover them
Nice fake out!
Nice, a reverse of "all of the above".
I'm a retired RN, so I knew it right away. Pretty cool I still remember so much medical stuff.
Amasikha Dey
nice trick question!
we need a few more questions like this one. it keeps things loose
wannabie triviator
first time tricky one huh..?? but I got it
Suekirider, I am a retired nurse also and it's amazing how it comes back to you without any problems especially answering medical trivia questions
Player #27643412
I love this question, it requires anatomy knowledge & also history, good reason to have all around general knowledge..
Haha, didn't fell for the trick question.
This amazing Human body, Has so many wonderful features that truly is remarkable. lets take care of this amazing machine given to us .
Asta Maishanu
wannabie triviator, me too lol
Player #27643412
Player #21173880, it's apart of the anatomy..
Trick one😀 for those who didn't know, just like me!