The 'Kaaba' is the most sacred site of which religion?

Correct answer: Islam

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
ZuZ, A meteorite and and sacred stone of the pre Islamic inhabitants incorporated into the religion to enhance their conversion and capitulation to Mohammed's forces. Also the beliefs Islam 'shares' with Judeo- Christian are ones taken from those religions and again, incorporated into Islam.
Ayesha, what do you base your comment on? I am a Christian and my religion doesn't take away any of my human rights.
The Kaaba also contains the "Black Stone" at one of its corners, it is believed that Angels brought it from Heavens so white and bright, but it got the black color from the sins of humans 💔 may God bless us all
How many hundreds and hundreds of people died of heat related illness at this year’s haji. So sad that religion still has such a tenacious hold on people.
Ahmin Walker
Ahmin Walker
These comments are...?!
Terry B , Said those of the Christians that died from the Crusades. All religions have superstitions.
Terry B
Terry B
they r so superstitious really scary