Which "living fossil" makes the substance that is used to test medicines?
Correct answer: Horseshoe crab

Never heard of this before!

they come ashore at a beach in Cape May NJ

Bryan Bader, That doesn't mean they're not being exploited, of course they are.

Bryan Bader
The Delaware beaches are covered with them for miles during late Spring. It's an amazing sight to see...

Bryan Bader
Player #8119804, they're not being exploited. They are overpopulated in the region and far from being endangered. They're living fossils...they'll be fine.

Kiwozzie, The thought of doing that to living creatures makes me sick to my stomach.

quite the physiology lesson of horse shoe crabs.. still unsure how they're "living fossils" when fossils are remnants or imprints of long dead creatures, plants etc. tho if you've ever worked as a travel nurse and gone into different facilities from hospitals to nursing homes to hospices to mental health facilities and more.. you may encounter more than one living fossil ---- don't be mean that's just medical humour to deal with the upsetting and high pressure but rewarding realities of being a nurse

Living fossils, and not the first or last animals useful to humans...

Major Naive Cube
Blue Blood! Royalty definitely 😀

Player #113245786
when someone asks for the time, do you build a clock ? seriously I'm satisfied knowing one and one makes two, don't need a Sheldon hawking answer,,

I thought they're also used in snake venom bites.

They look like the Predators

he's right they do come in ashore and Cape May New Jersey. I live there for a year and I saw tons of them. I never heard of any of this before either

Player #66817220
Lucy, vegans do too, albeit less directly.

Rick-N-Bacher, the red terns stop to feed on the crabs eggs on their migration from South America to their breeding grounds in the artic in the spring

Kiwozzie, I've seen many in my beach life in Stone Harbor, N.J.

Player #8119804, unless you are a vegan you do the same.