Which of these was the previous title of Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451"?
Correct answer: "The Fireman"

Paksa Nim
Many proven Communists were were revealed by McCarthy and the HUAC investigations. Truman had an administration infested with Communists at an absurdly high level of penetration...
But Bradbury hit the mark with 451 and his scathing rebuke of censorship.
Do not let the explanation of this correct answer by the creator deflect the discussion toward a bias against anti-Communist government investigations. Bradbury makes a splendid case against government censorship, and that is most significant.

Player #8913120
Our government should spend more time thinking clean than trying to clean thinking.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Paksa Nim, The USA government is not perfect. Every government system is flawed in one way or another. Perhaps in many ways for some.