What is produced by the 3M Company under the trademark "Post-it"?
Correct answer: Office supplies
QuizzMan, also Kleenex.
Interesting to learn that "Post-it" has joined the (American) English lexicon, along with "Band-Aid" and "Xerox".
Player #9442102
Player #6852065, wish I would have invented post it notes.
adhesive invented in '68 but didn't used for sticky notes until '77
LuvMyBoxer, what have tissues got to do with it? Weirdo...
MC Merci
QuizzMan, and Clorox & Coke.
Player Say what!?
I went to the 3M plant in St. Paul to take a class for my company to learn how to use a new product they invented. The place is massive and there were acres of all kinds of street signs on posts outside to test the different kinds of reflection in them. Extreme security so didn't get to see anything else.
Player #6852065
Who doesn't have at least 1 post it on their refrigerator right now?