How many months in the calendar year have 31 days?

Correct answer: Seven

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Player Ejag
Player Ejag
Old rhyme helps: 30 days hath September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31, except February as one, which has 28 in time and each leap year, 29. There are several versions of this.😎
Clench your hands together. From left to right name the months starting with January on your first knuckle, February between knuckles and so on. The last knuckle on your left hand is July and the first knuckle on your right hand is August. All months on knuckles have 31 days. All months between knuckles have 30 or February that has 28 (or 29 every 4 years).
toothless beachrat
toothless beachrat
I only learned the "knuckle technique" a few years ago, wish they had taught us that back in grade school as other people have stated on different questions.
cheating to include Feb 29 that only occurs every fouryears
Mariposa , I was also taught this method of remembering the number of days in each month.
Player Ejag, I didn’t finish saying the rhyme and so got it wrong!
Player #28674928
Player #28674928
Player Ejag, I say that rhyme every time I have to figure out how many days until...? But, I'd forgotten the very last part😊