This is which type of wasp?
Correct answer: Yellowjacket
Horrible little beasties.
Player Number1Explor
I was stung on my finger when one became entangled in my hair at night during a family camp outing watching a table tennis game.My entire hand became swollen and unusable at 13 rears of age .Never knew such pain four 4 days.
RMCDM123, Yellow jackets live underground normally and do not make paper nest
I had a messy one summer in my rockery garden. I went out one night when they were dormant and poured formaldehyde into it, that cited the problem.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
cv, That is Trivia. I have answered questions regarding other countries. I would imagine that most all of us playing have.
Adirondack Will, Sorry, but yellow jackets are wasps!!
one had got into a can of soda my friend was drinking. she took a drink and the wasp stung her mouth and tongue. very,very painful
Player #134202314
Mouth🤪, very different to wasps! less aggressive and can only sting once before they die
I hate bees! My brothers are both allergic!
All the Yellowjacket wasps that I've seen in Regina, they were friendly to me . But then when asked by( the Yellowjackets) I never refused them and I would share my treats and beverages with them. Also if you want to make friends with them . Here's a treat they like. peel an big Apple,take the core out.wash the apples. slice them nice and thin ,put 1 or 2 teaspoons of sugar and add some water just enough . put it in a nice saucer . they'll be your friends then.
toe jam
the green hornet
Back in the old days I was carrying a camera by its strap using 1 finger. A wasp stung me on that finger, and the camera fell into a creek. But being the old days I was able to dry out the film and camera.
I don't remember the coloring of the insect.
Player #33161631
Looks like every wasp I've ever seen!