In which city did the American gangster Al Capone operate between 1920s and 1930s?
Correct answer: Chicago

Player Say what!?
Bootlegging got its name from people walking across the frozen Detroit River to Canada during the prohibition and returning with booze hidden in their tall boots.

Player Leuken
Prohibition made many honest men (and women) into criminals.

Richard Petty can tell you stories about boot legging. thats how nascar got started

Player Leuken, same with marijuana today

Player #45505475
Capone 21st birthday was same day that prohibition started.

I have learned about him but I have a bad impression of him.

Too easy of a question. Everybody knows that there is no mafia in San Diego Denver or Portland.

Puma Girl
Player Leuken, yes Indeed

chunk, back in the day when chicago was a safe place to live

Player Leuken, my mom's grandfather had a still before prohibition but when alcohol was outlawed he dismantled it and refused to teach his nephews how to make alcohol because he was an honest man. Addiction makes people into criminals.

back in the day when Chicago was a safe place to live

DONECIA, the Hillbillies running shine

In the video he said, "Bootleggin' is the job for me"

I know about Capone, he was in a youtube channel called "OverSimplified", and he was in "Probihition", when they probihited alcohol.