Which of these catch phrases about an Italian city actually exists?

Correct answer: See Naples and then die

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I was extremely fortunate to be able to spend 3 weeks in Naples sharing a home with an Italian family. Rino, the father, took me along with him to buy grapes to make his wine and watched as they yelled and dickered over the price. we went to little bakeries with stone ovens built into the side of a hill. He showed me the unreal prison where Sophia Loren spent some time. The absolute most insane drivers anywhere and I savored every minute.
Player #96919
Player #96919
I have been to Pompeii where you can clearly see Vesuvius. what an amazing but haunting place
This is in the Campagnia region of Italy and is a most beautiful area which also comprises of the Amalfi coast with its wonderful little towns.
Cha Cha
Cha Cha
Player #96919, I've wanted to go to both Naples and Pompeii for a long time... the wonderful description given above has just intensified that want so much 😍
Great quote about a beautiful city!
Player Say what!?, wow what an amazing experience you have had! I wish I could experience the same 😅
does that catch phrase apply to people who live there? they'd have a very short life span.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Honestly sounds like something Sophia Petrillo would say right after a "Picture it Sicily..." story. Ending with "See Naples and then die."
King Inanyu
King Inanyu
Player Say what!?, agree much esp d crazy drivers/riders
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
Player Say what!?, Sophia Loren was in prison? What for?