What is the tower, the constructors of which suddenly started to speak different languages, called?
Correct answer: The Tower of Babel

They were babbling, now also a language learning app called Babbel.

The Babel Fish from "The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy" . It was put in your ear and could translate any language.


Mars V
Nix, It’s a myth. No fairies involved.

DJH, FYI the Bible teaches with many parables and other themes that are not necessarily fact, but meant to teach U.S. God’s ways and teachings.

not a myth. it's a fairy tale.

DJH, 👍

Someone said the "gods" dont like when we are united , Hence all the wars ,diseases and famine .

Sailor Blue, check out how many prophecies come true.jesus was a real person, there are roman records of him.the old testament is accurate.it is often used by archeologists to dig up historic cities.the chronology of old testament kings is true.whenever. god had something to say to his children his mouthpeace is prophets and apostles.they are required by god to keep records.