Which U.S. President's library has their actual Air Force One Boeing 707 on display?
Correct answer: Ronald Reagan

I would enjoy visiting this library!

Right ✅️ US, I was just a suburban housewife at the time. And even I knew “space is cold too” did not cover what happens with water at freezing and below temperatures.
I knew nothing about O-rings. I just knew frozen water expansion was dangerous and untested in the deep cold vacuum of space.
I was positive when I went to sleep that night that the people in charge knew what I knew and would never risk it.
What I did not imagine was that no one was listening to the people who knew.

Right ✅️ US
Lived in Atlanta '79 to '89 that became the Reagan Era. While working at the Fotomat Lab in Technical Support heard HIM deliver the sad news of the Challanger disaster 😢 For the next 3 days we saw SO many pictures of that event circulate throughout the Lab it was eerie .!.

Air Force One designation is ONLY used when the US President is on board.

that would be a very fun place to vivit

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