Which color has a calming effect?
Correct answer: Blue

Bird Brain 007
Spatch81, An opinion is individualistic and based on a question. The fact is that after countless scientific experiments on this subject, the color blue does have a calming effect. This is not about anyone's opinion.

Laudy Miss Claudy
That's a good reason for making the sky blue.

Player #3237701
football coach has visitors locker room painted pink to make team less aggressive?????

for me, the green is a calm color, I want to know who did the study!

Pedro Pinto
Pink is thought to have a calming effect. One shade known as "drunk-tank pink" is sometimes used in prisons to calm inmates. While pink's calming effect has been demonstrated, researchers of color psychology have found that this effect only occurs during the initial exposure to the color.

Interesting! I would have chosen green, if it had been listed. I suppose more people actual would choose blue as their favorite, so would be more influenced by it.

In the US some prison interiors are painted pink as it is considered a calming colour.

Bad Nanny, I was slso under the belief that pink was a calming colour. My mother worked as a matron in a psychiatric hospital and after a study was done saying pink Is the more calming colour the hospiral painted the recreation and living areas pink

Pink the answer, it's used in psychiatric hospitals and maternity rooms. It's a proven fact pink has a calming effect on people who are agitated. Look it up. I took a course on color theory and psychology.

FaithfulReader, I chose blue because they just did an episode about this on "Grey's Anatomy ". The explanation they gave made sense to me.

Cat Cha
Pedro Pinto, that's what I have heard or read before, so that's why I picked pink as the calming colour.

The Geelong football jumper is blue and white. Always has a calming effect. When they win. Lol

Tina M.,
Pink is also a cool tone
Peach would be the closest warm tone

Love the picture 😍

was always told by my art teachers that blue depresses.

Pink is used in nearly every jail& psychiatric hospital

Unless you're a nocturnal mammal, I thought blue light wavelengths inhibit melatonin production and make you more alert. At least that's what I've heard the scientific consensus is... Somewhat confusing question?

Iris _siri
Pedro Pinto, correct! Many prisons have cells with cool-down-pink colour.

Concorde SST
Laudy Miss Claudy, very well considered and said.

baker pink was proved to be calming. They painted holding cells in police stations baker pink

I love the Color Blue it is Calming too, It has always been my favorite Color, but Don't use blue for a light it can make a person very Depressed. Red Or Green are good esp.Red if you want a Colored Light.

Tina M.
Very strange! The color blue is a very cold color, not calming.

Player #33098585
didn't know this either! thanks

I thought it's Green. 😁

Player #37604867
how do you use the rewards?

azkubaisi, yes, I think that's why many surgery settings in hospitals are in green (scrubs, walls etc), as it is considered to be calming.

Jenny 🥰
they use to paint the inside of asylums pink due to the calming effect

Studies show pink as calming and holding pens in jail are painted pink for that reason

u can see the sky That's so calm ☁️

blue in any room is a cold color. not cozy at all. I dont like it.

Puppy lover!!
Saint Nine, i don't get why pink is for girls and blue for boys. I am a girl, and my fave colour is Cyan blue and gold. My dad's fave colour is pink.

azkubaisi, blue us also calm and cool

pink has calming effect

Miller Baker pink is the official colour used in psychiatric hospitals for quiet rooms so blue is surprising

Pink has been used to calm the mentally ill and violent prisoners. Blue causes depression.

Player #16500562
Player #3237701, I’ve heard of prisons doing the same.

Player #21163998
Some jails are painted pink to calm prisoners. But the answer is blue?

Green is calm color. that's why nature has it.