Why are aspen trees unique?
Correct answer: They grow in groups of genetically identical individuals.

Player Say what!?
They also grow only at high altitudes. Their shiny leaves twinkle in the wind and make a unique sound.

Ms. Wilkie
They have a lovely sound when their leaves flutter in the the breeze.

Player Say what!?, they proliferate in the low altitudes of Nova Scotia. (not only high altitudes )

Fun guy
1st time I learn about tree bark able to do photosynthesis: fascinating...

Thank you guys for sharing amazing information

the largest living organism in the world is a aspen Grove in Colorado.

Shaddy1997, here we call them "Les trembles" in french which translates to "the shakers"! I love the similarity!

Anny Babes
People in Colorado called Aspen quaking aspen leaves quake in the wind!

The aspen is a buck deer's favorite tree. During rut season, they scrape their antlers on the trees to remove the velvet. they have destroyed several of our trees!

Flower Lady
Player Say what!?, we also have many Aspens in MN.

little b
I've not heard of the aspen trees

Player Say what!?, Nah. they grow at all altitudes

GraceSpace, Life without trees would be dreadful.

sugar cane / Bamboo

Mars V
I just picked the long answer without reading anything!😎

maryam, Thank u

beenie28, very cool 😎!

this was easy

Gitesh, it's a tree. they help give us pure air as they remove carbon dioxide from the air, they are Beautiful to look at.... how would life be without Trees? 😉

Old man X, Wow well done and how rewarding to be helping the environment while u get to experience their beauty! 😉

the whole big words gives to choose that answer...
"ARIGATO".. just kidding! im from India and i know some simple japanese words..well im good in that😑🙃

I like this question????

what it's purpose?

thank you for this information o

I've finished the level

Player #66817220
beenie28, I assume you mean in Canada? Or do they also grow in Europe?

Player #66817220
Player Say what!?, I wouldn't exactly call Denver "low altitude", unless I misunderstand what you're saying.

Player #66817220
Syed Sudais Ahmad , I wonder if it's on YouTube?

Player #66817220
reed, if I remember right, it's named Pando, and it extends through a few other states as well.

Player #66817220
Player Say what!?, in the fall, their leaves turn yellow, so the trees glitter like gold in the slightest breeze.

Irfania Randhawa
I am just 10 years old but i answered all the questions

Angel Razo
I love this game although not perfectly answere the question its challenging for me

Usually the longest answer choice is correct.

Melania Denisa
They grow in groups

Syed Sudais Ahmad
Ms. Wilkie, record the sound then send to me ok

Fun guy, Me too, this is really amazing fact!!!

Player Say what!?
Flower Lady, Well, my goodness. How come ewe can barely grow them in Denver? It's always been known locally, they can't grow at low altitudes. Not only learn from the game, but also from the players!

Player Say what!?
PC, I stand corrected. They grow in Denver...barely.