Which country is in the picture?
Correct answer: Italy

Sardina and Sicily should be marked blue too as they are part of Italy

Proud to be an Italian.
W l'Italia!

its the boots country like Sumaria the horn of Africa

Player #97184361
maymay, One can’t go wrong seeing the ( Boot) what’s a matter! ! !

DawnyG, It should read Italy 🇮🇹 kicked poor Sicaly into the Mediterranean sea

my son in law Matteo from North Eastern 🇮🇹 Vento.The hinterland of Veince

Because it looks like a boot, my granddad used to say “Italy kicked Sicily into France “ not sure if I have said that correctly but it was funny 😆

Player #25874027
So, the Italic people all joined together and leaned towards the right I assume?

Player Say what!?
Probably the most identifiable shape of all along with the US.

it appears like a boot in shape