What is used to make cajuína, a traditional Brazilian beverage?

Correct answer: Cashew apples

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
sanny. x
sanny. x
I knew about Cashew nuts but never knew or have heard of Cashew Pears?
sanny. x, it's ok. you can't know everything. we have a few trees I. our yard...huge. they're yummy is a tad stringy and astringent. delicious made into preserves with rum and sugar
sanny. x
sanny. x
Apple not pear sorry.
sanny. x, did u also know that a variety of the dogwood tree also grows apples? Even though they're small, and somewhat tart-they're edible... not bad either. I'm not sure if they're good for baking or cooking
Player #4591934
Player #4591934
I grew up eating cashew pears and roasting the nuts and eating them. Great childhood memories.
sanny. x, Me too!!!