How many grains of wheat does it take to fill a chessboard (doubling the number of grains on each square)?
Correct answer: 18 446 744 073 709 551 615

2 raised to 64 would be a simpler explanation

Question is phrased weird. I didn’t get what doubling each square meant.

mukesh sharma.mahakall.b
is most important game is chase me it billion is power man is

Mars V
I’d take the million and save myself the hassle of hauling 100000000+ pennies to the bank where they’re just going to say, “Are you kidding me?!”

B Dog
MagsElber, 2 to the 63rd power actually. Remember you start with one grain of rice which is 2^0, then two grains on the second square which is 2^1, then four on the third which is 2^2, etc etc

A question for math nerds, of which I am not. Barely passed most of my math classes.

Ali *Regulus* Mirza
MagsElber, That'd be excruciatingly close, but correct, as pointed out by Tom, is 2^64-1. In general:
Summation of the series x^n

That's a lot of grains!

Player #2512936
Someone did not have anything better to do!

The Crusader
the number is even bigger than billions

the squares would have 2^0, 2^1… 2^63. The sum is (2^64) - 1.