What larger cat cannot retract its claws?
Correct answer: Cheetah

Vbbbbhbhgh U Gfytrwe
Saw it once before got it right this time glad short term memory loss did not act up lol

Player #575816
Stop moaning about repeat questions!! You should remember answer from 1st time and you won't lose a life.

Redeemed Mr. V
Very carefully worded as "larger cat" and not "big cat" since the cheetah is not part of the subfamily Pantherinae.

Player #25874027
This is of course the explanation for their speed.
For every 2 minutes they spend
rocketing along after their prey they have to spend 30 cleaning the dirt out of their claws

I always wondered why Tarzan's chimp was named "Cheetah," knowing that the cheetah was a big cat.

Player #575816, free education, im hip.

Player #93460997
Player 515816 should keep your toxicity in check and be quiet

Because it can't retract its claws, it helps the cheetah run faster, like cleats help a runner run faster.

I thought it was my moggy 😃

Player #8110455
Z Zhang !h

Player #3833664
@CasualBear87638, Did u get it right for the 6th time then

I don't recall this question before?