In which region is the loess plain known as 'Hungry Steppe' located?
Correct answer: Central Asia

The last paragraph is technically correct but not clear:
Uzbekistan is a doubly landlocked country (along with Liechtenstein) and they are the world's only two doubly landlocked countries. This means their neighbouring countries are also landlocked
Uzbekistan is doubly landlocked because even though its neighbours Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan borders Caspian Sea (their neighbours/their borders also border Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan but does not border Caspian Sea). That's because the Caspian Sea is considered a landlocked body of water because it is entirely enclosed by land and has no natural connection to the world's oceans. It also does not have access to international waters (examples are Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean if I'm not wrong)

what a great transformation from dessert into a vast agricultural land...