What is the fear of children called?
Correct answer: Pedophobia
Mike T
If children looked like the one in the image, I think we would all have a fear of them.
Lily-grace, Arachnophobia is fear of spiders, Aquaphobia is fear of water and Aviophobia is fear of flying.
toe jam
nibble, nibble like a mouse, who is nibbling at my house.
Tremain White
many child abusers should either be called pedophobiacs or "child r'p'sts'.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Scotti, We can split one.
jay w, one reason your 3 year old may be waking up screaming could be growing pains. It can cause alot of pain. I had it in my youth and teens.
are the other ones even real???
I love kids, but I can't eat a whole one.