In which country can you find souvenirs saying "There are no kangaroos"?

Correct answer: Austria

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What people think about it: 15 Comments
The answer is on the stickers in the photo.
Ali *Regulus* Mirza
Ali *Regulus* Mirza
Regardless of whether the two words have anything to do with dawn, the name Austria derives from the Germanic root 'austr/östr' for east or eastern, while Australia from the Latin root 'austral' for south or southern.
Probably Americans that confuse the two countries, they don't seem to know international geography very well.
Player Say what!?
Player Say what!?
Petrafirma, Ouch. While that's a derogatory remark, you're also somewhat accurate. I get very annoyed when people confuse the two as it's just plain ignorant. Plenty of Americans have a vast knowledge of geography but THEY don't make headlines. I would venture to guess that there are plenty of people outside of the US who doesn't know Chicago is in a state called Illinois.
Tina M.
Tina M.
As a young girl, I found geography to be quite boring. As an adult, I find it quite interesting, especially once I started traveling more.
Petrafirma, major stereotyping here. So many players in this game seem to have anti-American sentiments.
toothless beachrat
toothless beachrat
Patricia, I was spelling onomatopoeia by the time I turned 8. Born and raised at the beach in California. Perhaps you shouldn't be so rude and just enjoy the game.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Austria is just the Anglicised version of the name of the country : Osterreich . ( Best not mention that or they will be needing a t-shirt saying “ There are no Ostrich here either!”)
In Australia we have signs that say No Julie Andrews didn’t skip over our mountains with 7 lederhosen clad children
Mars V
Mars V
Petrafirma, But I do know what a comma splice looks like.
Player Say what!?, we know it from the movies 😌
Cizinka, Couldn’t agree more.
Petrafirma, That’s an outright insult.
Dan, I missed that clue but got the answer right.
Player #15069158
Player #15069158
Petrafirma, Yeah, these would be the Americans that come to Canada in the heat of summer expecting to go skiing!😂😂