What famous writer is a parent to Joe Hill, the creator of "Locke and Key"?
Correct answer: Stephen King

Can’t say I blame him for wanting to make it on his own, out of the shadow of his dad. Stephen King is kind of a big deal. Stephen King is my all-time favorite author. But the young man is the spitting image of his dad!

Wow, he looks just like his Dad!

The picture gave it away.

Player #31390312
Leatherman, I've been reading his dad since his first book in the 70's. I happened on a Joe Hill story in an anthology. I liked it and mentally compared him to Stephen King, years before it came out that he was the son. he's only gotten better!

He has some big shoes to fill.

There's no mistaking who his dad is!

Hazel Elizabeth, Hill is his middle name. He didn't use "King" because he didn't want to rude his Dad's coat tail. Of course, once we saw him...

I mean, look at the picture!!!

Jacques, yes, he looks like a young Stephen King!

Hazel Elizabeth
Really? Surname is King and he chose the name Joseph got his son? Was he Jo(e)King?

Player #42162630
Leatherman, mine too! I've read almost all of his books. Just finished "The Institution" (awesome) and "Elevation". Waiting to read, "Dr. Sleep" and "Billy Summers". Also, check out author, Peter Straub. They have collaborated on a couple of books together. Happy reading ☺