What does the bride toss over her shoulder after the wedding?
Correct answer: Flower bouquet
the bridegroom seems more appealing to me.
Hah I pushed the bridegroom by mistake. Imagine that though !!
She throws the bucket...
I got married in the courthouse and got no ring so that’s how my marriage went! And had no honeymoon!
The bridegroom! Ha, ha!
Jilly Bean
moose, me too!
Tremain White, when this belief (catching of bouquet
Player #14000764
Tremain White, now a days the groom removes the garter from the bride 's thigh, and he tosses over his shoulder and the singles men go for it.
Tremain White
ahem, doesn't the bride traditionally toss either (1) a garland of flowers and/or (2)her garter over shoulder to awaiting admirers?