Which Pagan festival began the Christmas gift-giving tradition?
Correct answer: Saturnalia

Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone!

and it harm none, do as you will. pagan golden rule.

Mars V
I wish it didn’t include gift giving. The rest of it is great. One of my strongest childhood memories was altar serving at midnight Mass when I was in 7th grade.

Mohamed , it's not that you don't count, it's that Islam did not exist at the time people in Europe began celebrating Christmas. Write a question about Ramadan or other aspects of your culture. You are welcome to share!

Happy LovingbFrstive Season to All who choose to Celebrate it for whatever reason 😉 🙂 😊

Chris RN
Miss Lisa, Also the birthday and celebration of the god Mithras who also happened to be born of a virgin.

All HAIL The Flying Spaghetti Monster!

blah blah blah
I am a proud pagan...

Nova, We decided that presents are just for children. It would be a shame for them to miss that, but we adults can get what we want when we want, so we make it a great family get together with all the fun, which doesn't need the presents.

Chris RN, mithra was born from a rock!

Moray, only Wicca. Most pagans recognize the balance in all things, including darkness and what some call “black” magic. The notion of harming none was developed by Gerald Gardner in the 1950s, as was all of the “tradition” attached to Wicca.

Crimbo is ace but I will be scarred for life by The Star Wars Holiday Special!

To think we are advised not to say Merry Christmas anymore incase you offend! This also applies to the cross - mind you I live in Italy.
I find this going backwards, offensive, sad and many other things…..