Which health condition is treated using statins?
Correct answer: High cholesterol

The best medication is the least medication

Statins have their own problems. The fad to include them in margarine was bad. Don't take them unless your doctor prescribes them.

Over thirty years ago during a routine checkup and tests my Doctor told me that due to my high cholesterol I was going to have to take a daily pill for the rest of my life and gave me a bottle full of them to start with. But since I was pretty young and with the “bravery” that comes with it, after a couple of weeks I decided not to take them anymore. Now that I am older I might start taking them but I don’t even want to think how many tons of chemicals I avoided during that span of time. Oh, and the money I would’ve had to pay to support the global greed of the pharmaceutical industry

Atorvastatin, prescribed by my doctor, has brought my cholesterol down with no side effects. Take it if it's prescribed!

my doctor wants me to go on them but I also have a mitochondrial condition. statins will make me seriously ill.

Geordie4Life, .


thank God my doctor just took me off of the stations now I feel free to eat grapefruit 🤠

According to Alzheimer's.org, "There is a relationship between high cholesterol and dementia." A 2021 Meta-analysis of 21 separate studies found that statin drugs reduced the risk of Alzheimer's disease by 28%. Apparently, the cholesterol contributes to the formation of amyloid plaques in the brain, the hallmark of Alzheimer's disease.

Well established side effects of statin drugs include digestive issues, muscle pain, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, memory loss, low blood platelet count, kidney and liver damage, and increased likelihood of developing or worsening Type 2 diabetes. Most doctors are reluctant to prescribe any drug "for life." If your doctor is really gung ho about any drug, he could possibly be enjoying gifts from Big Pharma for prescribing that drug.

Player #142923944, I take it also. Had side effects with statins. I don't mind medications that are necessary. I don't want to be like my sister, who thought that just supplements and faith would keep her healthy. It didn't. She died before her time, because of cancer. At stage 4, she finally saw the doctor, but died less than two months later.

Big M, don't know but my dr just gave me a med to have better circulation in my legs and it caused seizures and my legs still hurt, etc. I would like to know how to get this out of my body. I've been off it for 2 months and only took it for 23 days.

Player #142923944
I use Repatha injection, which dropped my cholesterol to below the lowest desired level. It also rids current cholesterol. Great Stuff. Use the snap Injection which is easier to use than an open syringe.

Papa Sage
I was given statins for high blood pressure

I just stopped taking Crestor about a month ago and can feel that my memory has really improved!

Geordie4Life, until you need it

GraceSpace, I was told by a pharmacist, as I was picking up a prescription of statin meds, to get off this medication as soon as I get the numbers. He told me that this medication is poison. If a person taking a statin med were to urinate on the ground, the ground would be considered contaminated.

Big M
The side effects can be serious. I had agonizing left calf cramps, so bad they made me limp due to muscle tearing. After 1 year, I realised I was having "reversible memory problems" too, so I stopped taking this poison. My memory did not improve. Anyone know how to "reverse" this?

puzzling why most people give over their personal power by Trusting a person just cos she/he is a Dr. it just takes a Yes to research Natural Treatments and looking at poor dietary choices to Care for ourselves more! I self-treated and cured a life threatening cancer from 2011-2013 and I'm more than fine! ❤️

Tom, OR choose a Safe Natural treatment .... 😉 and yes takes self responsibility for our own health, to commit to this :😀