What is the name of the bird in the picture?
Correct answer: Snowy owl

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I've seen many pictures of this beautiful bird but had to look up just how big it is. It's BIG; standing 2 feet tall with a 5.5 foot wingspan!

Player #3093136
Hedwig is the best

Zakiyyah Ameerah Mateen
I love these beautiful Majestic birds 🐦

I love owls,I've said it before and I'll say it again.. I love owls!!!

*snow owl, not snowy 😁

Lol is there a thing called hedwig owl is that why Harry Potter named is owl Hedwig?

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Melode, Ha ha, My Cousin Vinny?

I love owls of all kinds. I enjoy drawing them outside. My sister in law once had one in her garage. It was a Screech Owl and woke them up.

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Cookie Bean, In all of the Planet Earths I've seen, they're prettier because of the competition, they hope their beauty will attract the female they're courting. The females are bland b/c they don't have to impress anyone.

Angry shrimp

Cookie Bean, i thought of a peacock when you asked the question

He really looks like Hedwig the owl