American rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd had a hit single in 1974 with the song "Sweet Home...what"?
Correct answer: Alabama

Together with the track 'Simple Man' those songs are timeless.

any Skynyrd song takes me back to a simpler time, a freer time, days I think back on with a little melancholy. those were the good old days

Alabama sounds better than sweet home Florida

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Undoubtedly one of the best Southern Rock Bands ever. One of the best Rock bands ever for that matter. Saw them twice, absolutely unforgettable! Free Me!

little b
i dont like the band laddgs

Bigkev, i know a little!. Now that is a jam, not played to death on the radio, like the other.

I know a little!, now that is a jam, and not played to death on the radio, like the others.

Vijayanarasimha M.R., You can find it on You Tube. I’m 68 and they were the good ole days!!!

Great song. My kind of tunes!