Why did Bobby Pearce stop rowing during the Amsterdam 1928 rowing regatta but still won?
Correct answer: He let the family of ducks pass
aw how sweet is that! nice one Bobby!
Anna J
Henry: a kindhearted champion!
Shelby Johnson
Everyone should do the same. We all need to do our part to protect nature and their residents. Our planet would be better for it.
Player Say what!?
I was SO hoping I picked the right one. Love that guy!
Wow!! to be so far ahead he could be that in tune with nature, and was able to make a decision that was best for everybody. Except for the guy who came in after him.
Player #87342334
Now that’s real sportsmanship!
My kinda guy! R.I.P.!
aww. I love this fact... now that I know it.
Make way for ducklings!
ron, That was my first thought.
Now that's a professional. And "Karma" was on his side. Or Angels, Whatever. Only takes a minute to be kind...
Player #138017829
Tami, He told his son years later, "Yairs, well son, if that Frenchie had been closer, I would have gone right over those ducks!"
Shelby Johnson, well said, you are 100% right. good on you
Play game against me baymax
i think his good act brought him
totally guessed this, so sweet of him though!!
Giggle pig
Shelby Johnson, I agree, but disagreed. Wright Patterson, Air Force Base, could lose about 1000 geese and still not notice it.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, They wanted money & fame back then too.
You love to see it. Bravo!!
ron, He obviously used the eyes in the back of his head, that he inherited from his Mother 😁
A good read. One error - The Australian Army never had the rank of “Master Sergeant”. Possibly meant “Staff Sergeant”.