What type of sandwich has white bread, peanut butter and marshmallow cream?
Correct answer: Fluffernutter


Love love love fluffernutter sandwiches...but can't have that much sugar anymore.

Why would you...?

I would have gone with my first guess

I used to eat marshmallow cream and peanut butter sandwiches as a kid, haven't had them since I was seven though. You can't eat what you want as an adult, ( or much of anything ).

Player #147000149
The best way to eat a fluffernutter is with mixing in a little milk. It neutralizes the marshmallow sweetness and stickiness

I love marshmallow creme but only as part of a fudge recipe. This sandwich sounds revolting, though.

I like peanut butter and banana sandwiches. I read when I was a kid that Elvis Presley loved them, so I tried it, and it's good. I couldn't begin to eat marshmallow cream on a sandwich. It kind of turns my stomach. Too sweet.

Player #107789144
Moray, I created a peanut butter, banana sandwich for my grandson’s when they ran out of jam…. They LOVED it n continue to ask for it today… it’s good n nutritious. Marshmallows are too sweet for me, sorry.

sooz, yummy

Wannabe Vulcan
MissScarlet99, do you dunk it?

sooz, loved it goes great with hot cocoa!

only way to beat a PB and J, is PB with a little honey or better yet , a little maple syrup . marshmallow fluff is tasteless sugar muck