What animals besides humans have been tried for crimes in 14th century?
Correct answer: Domesticated animals and pests

Chris RN
An Asian elephant called ‘Murderous Mary’ was hanged in Tennessee in 1916 for killing her trainer. Truly nuts.

Christine, Elephants are very smart! When they attack someone it’s usually because they’ve been abused!

Player #25874027
How do you try a weevil ? Was it picked out from an identity parade?
I think we should lodge an appeal for mistaken identity!!
Free the Weevil !! Wernher Weevil is innocent !!!

Player #28705932
Thank God, Animals don't tried humans for crime. ( Good, plants can't do it).
By the way, it would be lot easier to blame the animals - who is going to defend them and how ?( and sometimes save the culprits)

Very sad 😭. When ppl kills animals they're heroes 😭👿.Sick

DD, yeah, have to agree with you!

Christine, how the trunk does one even HANG an elephant!??

we don't even protect children from abuse, in fact most adults worry more about animals abuse than child abuse.

Player #53553731, religion played a part in medieval Europe. millions of black cats were killed in Christian ceremonies because of Pope Gregory IX's hatred of them. He believed they were in league with the devil. Witchcraft trials sometimes included animals being tried as accomplices with accused of Witchcraft

The police will do anything to get the conviction numbers up

Arijeet Dutta
Christine, how was it hanged even!😂

Player #25874027
I am thinking it’s German - Tier is the word for animal , as in Tiergarten for Zoo , and if I recall correctly Strafen is to punish or punishment.

Hoor ul ain
Throughout the game, my personal experience says that the option with the longest spelling is always the correct answer😎

Christine, Where did they get the tree big enough for hanging an elephant? Probably just a giant Sequoia tree!😊

Ohmygosh! animal rightsss 😂