Name the English king who is credited with the words, "Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?"

Correct answer: Henry II

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
PuddinHead Mickey
PuddinHead Mickey
The movie made in the early sixties,had Peter O'Toole as Henry II and Richard Burton as Thomas a'Becket. It was (in my opinion) wonderfully acted.
This case is commonly used as an example of how someone can be responsible for violent or criminal acts without directly ordering them. Because Henry was an authority figure, his words were taken as a request or command to deal with a troublesome individual. Like the famous mafia meme of wondering aloud if someone will "meet an unfortunate accident".
PuddinHead Mickey - You're certainly not a Puddinhead if you enjoyed this film! It really was a wonderful film & Peter O'Toole & Richard Burton were marvellous in their roles, as was Katherine Hepburn! Truly a dream cast!
PuddinHead Mickey, a movie that can be enjoyed many times. Kate Hepburn was impressive as the queen too!
I actually chuckled at this phrase lol