Who was the first European explorer to set foot in the Philippines?

Correct answer: Ferdinand Magellan

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What people think about it: 10 Comments
When a person encounters something he did not know existed, it is correct to say that he has made a discovery. This generation spends far too much time picking apart and judging others' written words, arguing about semantics, while entirely ignoring the content of the words. This is a manifestation of indoctrination that prevents them from ever learning anything because they are too busy feeling superior as they "correct" things that are not wrong.
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Lionessa, well said! I discovered a lovely little restaurant whilst I was on vacation but clearly I wasn't the first human there.
Good explanation of this question. I would just add the fact that Magellan was killed in Philippines by local tribe.
Jonesy, "Europeans" would suffice. Adding "white" smacks of racism.
Lionessa, I completely agree with your assessment
Juan Sebastian Elcano would also be technically correct, as he sailed with Magellan. After Magellan was killed, Elcano took over and completed the first circumnavigation of the globe.
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
Das, but Columbus never did realize he was in the Western hemisphere (or that there even was such a thing). He lived out his life believing he'd been to Asia and never had a clue how hopelessly lost he'd been.
Bengarrion , Nonsense. Most Europeans are anything but white. Many far Northern Europeans like most of the Scandinavians come close to being white. Generally, the use of "white" or "White" indicates some degree of racist indoctrination.
I'm phillipino
Republic of China
Republic of China
Come on... Why many people chose Christopher Columbus. He only discovered America and Vasco da Gama is Portuguese traveller and travelled to India if im not wrong