What was an undergarment called that was placed under the dress at the back below the waist to add fullness?
Correct answer: Bustle

The bustle is proof that people will wear anything if it’s the fashion.

Men made the fashions back then and they liked the look. It made the womens stomach look smaller in front and curved in the right places. It still had a train that ran through the dirt! There are books about this topic.

These days they just have operations to add to theirbbutt

Why women of any era want to wear such silly impractical and uncomfortable clothes is beyond me, I never bow down to fashion, if it is not warm, comfy or practical I don't wear it.

Talaith, Amen to that, sister!!

Cat Cha, M'lady would balance precariously on the very edge of the chair. I'm sure that more than one lady lost her footing and fell right on her bustle in front of the chair.

Talaith, me too ✋.

as far as I know we don't wear bustles nowadays

Cat Cha
How on earth would m'lady sit or was she expected to keep to her feet 🤔