What is the Mimosa pudica plant also known as?
Correct answer: Touch-me-not

it has spiritual benefits as well

Can be used for ridding of parasites

these are fun due to how laves close when they're touched... but my favorite ting about them are the flowers, we call them "Who flowers" because the yellow specks on the tips of the magenta plumage. :)

apocalypse now
a so many called plant

in the Caribbean, some call them "shut eye" cause it looks like they are closing their eyes XD

In Hawaii, we called it the sleeping or sleepy plant, coz when we touched it it fell asleep. 😴

Jabberwocky 💕
தொட்டா சிணுங்கி

Anna J
As a little girl my mother showed me this plant in her childhood yard. It was a treat and fun to watch the touch-me-not close.

also called as mimosa indica