Which bird is a symbol of love in some Native American cultures?
Correct answer: Hummingbird

Tina's twin
I have a special vine/bush in my backyard that my twin bought for me. she has died, but the vine is a big as a tree with an enormous trunk & every year now there are many birds & literally dozens of tiny hummingbird nests. for me they are absolutely about joy & love. blessings and peace to all

We make our own sugar & H 20 for them too. They don’t like the store stuff.

they are indeed magical. I rescued one and gave it water to drink ..it slept for a few minutes then flew away

The picture give the answer away.

CcMYoPiK #21957451
Vanessa, me neither, not up close and personal anyway but at a distance, quite enchanting

funfact:the swallow tail hummingbird is the national bird of Jamaica 🇯🇲. it only lives in Jamaica

Player Cheeks
I now have 4 feeders in my yard and the hummers visit year-round. They bring me so much joy. Its funny to watch them chase each other away.

Vanessa, If you see one, remember the the time, they always return at the same time. Sometimes you take a photo or video. I am not sure how I was able to do it cause I have just an aim and shoot camera. I have very little video too. They are pretty darn quick.

The hummingbird is so beautiful!

jocelyn, this question is very easy

Kiki , I love hummingbirds they are so pretty

Do not omit stating "they are extremely exploited for 'being excellent afrodisiacs!'"

I love Hummingbirds they are so Pretty

This picture gives the answer

this question is very easy

no 😡

I read about hummingbirds somewhere but I don't remember that.Anyway, they are nice

I love watching hummingbirds, they sometimes get into fights at the feeder ,or go after each other . I love when the stop and look at me .

wow... I can't just imagine a bird, 5cm long. very small indeed

Tina's twin, I am so sorry for your loss.

Player #29684811, why are you taking of woodpeckers? This question was about hummingbirds.

Sarvin and sormeh
I love hummp

juicy nv6grudjrjdjd

that was just a guess :)

My cute cat oreo
I never knew a Hummingbird looked like That🧐

captain Chaitanya joshi
Bonnie , i say a humming bird

Akshara 😘😘😘😘😘
Very interesting and essy question

Christmas Joy Girl
The picture gives it away!!!

Player #17016804
I love hummingbirds. My mom and I have matching tattoos of one. Very special to me.

when i was young i love hummingbirds

I just took a hint of the picture, but I don't actually know what bird is symbol of love in native America