Which song is considered the signature song for Simon & Garfunkel?
Correct answer: Bridge Over Troubled Water

I could consider any or each of these four as a signature song for them.

Love all their music.

this question is completely subjective. I say that if they did have a "signature song" it would definitely be The Sounds of Silence. That is the song that put them on the map-- long before troubled waters.

I would also say sound of silence, however disturbed version is amazing

Mrs busybody
Glenn, me too. They are all great songs.

Only song i knew was The Sound of Silence So got the answer wrong
TSoS my fav❤️

Mars V
All of those are.

Very subjective. All are signature tunes. I mean, Mrs. Robinson won an Oscar for Best Song; that could, arguably, be considered a signature achievement.

I love Aretha Franklin's version

Totally disagree. Sounds of Silence came first and without its success BOTW would never have been made.

I think Bridge is 90 percent Garfunkel. The other 3 the vocals are about equal .