What movie frame is shown in the picture?
Correct answer: Léon: The Professional

One of the few movies I'd like to see a sequel or remake ... with Natalie Portman as "Leon."

Perr Bear
You should see him in "Wasabi", he's kind of a French "Dirty Harry" of sorts, but the movie is hilarious!
I was not aware he did comedy also.

"No women. No kids."

Freddy, thank you for that, I didn't know. I really enjoy his acting , loved him in the Pink Panther movies.

One of my all time faves.

Jean Reno is an underrated and under appreciated actor. Quite talented and funny.

i watched this when i was 6 best movie ever

Two of my favorite actors. I can’t forget the first movie I watched with Jean Reno in it, Le Grand Bleu. And also still hoping for a sequel of this movie; when I watched it was called “The Professional”

Player #137846770
Gary Oldman as the DEA agent is chilling. I was afraid and knew it was acting.

This movie is on my watchlist.

One of my very favorite movies.

Enigmatic Oxymoron
Freddy, you can use Google, well done 👏

Marlene Nickey Brecht, Mine too! 🥰