What gift did France give to the United States in 1886?
Correct answer: Statue of Liberty

Lala Jacobs
i was ready to pick french fries 😂

Player #28039290, never seen it but would love to, haven't been to new York but the size of it still overwhelms me, lucky to see that everyday

I Always wanted a brotha
this one was a trick question

Excuse the Kuz
I think the French should take it back now. America won't be needing it anymore, unfortunately.

little b
I don't like the statute of liberty

Thanks France…. The best gift ever and she’s over 100 years old…

The best Gift ever…. Thanks France ..

Lala Jacobs , Actually i selected French fries. 🥲

Nerak 7
Anyone who has the change to see that Statue of Liberty .. will never forget. I was 7 and I remember being in a boat right by the Statue and my Mom told be how important the statue was. Everyone should see it at least once ..

Lady butterfly
So glad they gave us lady liberty

It's embarrassing that I got this wrong ahahahaha

Vijaya Manikandan D
French fries 🍟 very funny choice 🤣

I choose right 😊

Always think of Ghostbusters 2. 🙂

this made me so happy another çountry gave us a peaceful beautiful statue the statue of Liberty amen

Lala Jacobs , same😆🤣

tori, Belgium!

Player #14574500, I have ready the statue depicted a woman chained representing salary. and to make the statue appropriate it was changed so that it would not depict a slave woman

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player #28039290, A "blessing" that was originally meant for Egypt, but Egypt didn't want it so it is a beautiful second hand gift

Try watching the "Ballerina" or "Leap" movie. The statue of liberty is included in it, the setting is France

Bonjour and hello!

Player #14574500
kidzo007, its funny then but true,isnt 😄

Player #28039290
that statue was a blessing to the world a gift from France freedom for the slaves a gift from God thank u france

Ujaan Chaki
this one was ez

C's Dad, on all websites it’s 1886!