Glasgow is in which country?
Correct answer: United Kingdom

Glasgow is in the country of SCOTLAND. The United Kingdom is not a country in itself, but a union of 4 countries, England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Glasgow is in SCOTLAND, the UK is NOT a country!!!

The United Kingdom is not a country but a collection of 4 countries. England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The correct answer should be Scotland IMO.

Glasgow is in Scotland

riel, technically you are right. But the question is about a specific country. Either would be correct but I would have preferred Scotland to be the answer.

For any answer giving the UK as a country, can you please report this as wrong. They will not change these incorrect answers unless enough people report them as wrong.

As soon as I read the question, I anticipated many proud Scots being annoyed. Seems I was right!

Scotland the United Kingdom isn't a country

As a proud Scot I take exception to this question. If we are are being strictly correct the the United Kingdom is made up of three countries and a principality. The countries being Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and the principality of Wales.

tapped Sweden by mistake as I was looking for a country starting with"S" as in Scotland! the answer is wrong!!

riel, if the UK is a country, why don’t they have one national football team called UK?

toothless beachrat
I thought this while reading the question. I grew up (in Manhattan Beach, CA) playing soccer with many kids from Scotland which is where I learned about Glasgow. As I recall the team there was Glasgow Rangers.

why does this app think the UK is a country when it is NOT and is a actually a collection of 4 countries. Glasgow is in SCOTLAND NOT THE UK

The UK is in fact a country. While the constituent members are often referred to as countries, there's no specific definition that includes them but excludes the UK. It is a country of countries perhaps, but still a country.