How long does life imprisonment last?
Correct answer: For the rest of a convicted person's natural life

Bazsal, life should mean life.

Life imprisonment in the UK does not mean in prison for the rest of your life, convicted prisoners are given a jail sentence depending on the severity of their crime. quite often imprisoned for a period of around 15 years I believe. An whole life term can be imposed if a judge deems it necessary due to the severity of the crime committed.

Wrong. in many countries life does not mean life. It can have a maximum term of 20, 25, 50 years and then there are remission and parole options. To me, if the crime is heinous enough, life should mean life.
Erroneous/ambiguous question

Canada here and it’s not true for us either. Criminals have more rights than victims here too. Murderers go free in 25 years or often much less while doing time on so called “life sentences”. The judicial system here is also a joke. It’s sad to hear it’s like this all over the world. 😢

Same in South Africa. These days criminals have more rights than their victims. Law system very unfair to the victims. Crime in SA has rocketed through the roof.

it's not true in the UK!

Zizzlestix , industrial prison complexes in America make millions of dollars for housing prisoners. The prisoners make everyday items you wouldn't think were made in prisons. private prisons make billionaires of the owners

little b
I've not been to prison

Happy 2025!
Not in Germany. 25 years or shorter if good compartment and rentance by the concict is testified

Stinky Toad
Lorraine , your wrong.

Player #134726817
as long as it's stipulated without parole

surely that depends on the country, is it true in Western Europe

Tina M.
Zizzlestix , so many innocent people are sentenced to death. How would you feel if you or a loved one was innocent but given the death penalty?

Lorraine , sounds like slavery to me.

Zizzlestix , Do you know how many innocent people have been executed, around the World? Since DNA was developed, it has been many. Capital punishment is State sanctioned murder.

Maybe that is the case in the USA but not necessarily in many other countries, it does mean a large chunk of your life though.

Mike T
I'm not sure which country is being referred to in the question. Definitely not Australia. It's about 10-25 years here. With the youth crime crisis we are having in Australia at the moment, the whole judiciary system needs an overhaul.

not in the UK it doesn't