Is December 25 really the birthday of Jesus Christ?
Correct answer: Not yet known, because the Bible did not say the exact date

Player jellybean, I too have understood it was previously a pagan holiday, and the date used not only to try and temp new Christians to mark the birth of Jesus, but to try and cover over paganism.

The two time references in the Bible: the Census, did not exist, the family would not have been asked to return home; the star in the, is not known which comet or super nova this might be.

Loren J. Guay
The Greek transcript claims , around Late September or 1st. of Oct. the Jewish month of Elohim

Player #114002587
as we all agree the bible doesn't give the date of birth. but it does say the shepherds were out in the field. so not winter. yet the bible does give the date of his death.

It was chosen to purposely overlay Christianity onto Pagan practices. It was, in Rome, "die natales solis invectus" the birth of the unconquerable sun. Change one letter -- sun -> son -- and you usurp the original. This was also the birthday many Pagan Soters, savior gods. Damuzi, Tamuz, Adonis, Mithra, et al.

LolliNannaPop, the evergreens were brought into the home as they symbolized the undying life that lies sleeping until Spring.

Mars V
I don’t understand the controversy. What difference does it make?

The rebirth of the Sun is at the Winter Solstice (21st to 22nd December) Also known as Yule. So it made sense for the Christian Church to overlay their Lords birth over that.

GG, in the 1st chapter of Luke it tells us about when israelite men were assigned to temple duties, including when John the Baptist's father Zechariah was assigned. That month can quite easily be aligned with our current Gregorian calendar. And Jesus was born 6 months later, early October.

Loren J. Guay, The Jewish month of Elohim..... nonsense. That picture used is of Cesaer Borgia a family deep in incest, . murder and buying the papacy

Just rejoice and be glad of his birth.

Player #114002587, You hit the nail on the head!!

ATS. Exactly what I have been lead to believe, and the decorations that are used at Christmas.. a tree, mistletoe, garlands, i.e., tinsel, etc., are from Pagan ceremonies..celebrating the coming of Spring.

Surely if AD is from his birth, it would be 31 Dec or 1st Jan...?
Having said that, he was actually born in 6AD after a Benedictine monk stuffed up the translation from the Julian to current Gregorian calendar, so who knows? ;)

Loren J. Guay, there is no such month in the jewish calendar. Elohim is a name that is used for G-D & as such is completely BANNED from other use

Player Jellybean, very true! Even an encyclopedia will tell you that as well.