What is the common name of the flower in the photograph?
Correct answer: Buttercup

When we were kids we used to hold one under our chin. If it reflected yellow it meant you liked butter. Just a silly kids game.

toe jam
come on and build me up buttercup.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
In our youth we used Dandelions in the same fashion.

I knew that butter cups are poisonous

Puma Girl
toe jam, still laughing

Bonnie, Actually the pollen from the center of the flower will come off on your nose if you try to smell it. The pollen looks like butter smeared on you. Also, some do look like a little cup. My favorite color is yellow. They are lovely flowers.

little b
i love buttercups

Tara Tippy.
we used to hold them under our chin if it was yellow we said we like butter lol

Bonnie , we did it to our noses.

ahhh - movie The Princess Bride 👰♀ 😍

very useful for making flower crowns

Oops too funny I didn’t read the last paragraph! I ❤️butter! Lol