Which of these can travel the fastest?
Correct answer: Light

I am not a number.
CcMYoPiK #21957451, I'm not sure why you are sneering at others getting it wrong but you had a "tossup between light and sound" which are vastly different. Supersonic aeroplanes travel faster than sound.

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
I am loving how the comments have veered from the original question to American vs Canadian football. Very funny.

Wannabe Vulcan
Tremain White, all light on the spectrum travels at the same SPEED; the difference is in the FREQUENCY, which is a separate, independent parameter.

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, Canadian football is a much more challenging game than American football because of both the bigger field and fewer downs.

Player #25874027
Question for you all :
I see stars twinkling in the night sky and I am told that the light I see has travelled millions of miles and for millions of years .
Okay , so I am in a room with no windows , I switch on the light . When I switch it off the light disappears instantly.
Where does it go?
Shouldn’t it just bounce around until a door is opened so it can escape?

Byrde Alpha Bitch
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, What is even more hilarious is... the football debate/discussion matters why exactly?

CcMYoPiK #21957451, I was somewhat shocked that Racecar was chosen more than Aeroplane (making it least chosen). My guess is prop planes need to go 50mph just to take off. Indy cars go maybe 200+ mph. Aeroplanes maybe 300 or 500mph. Jets stay below speed of sound to avoid sonic boom (and other problems), but spy jets can achieve mach 3.

Light is considered a physical matter, as it is a form of electromagnetic radiation which can be measured and interacts with other matter, even though it doesn't have mass in the way that ordinary matter does; essentially, it is energy that can be detected by the human eye as visible light.

Player #25874027, When you turn off the light in a dark room, the photons, which have no mass, but which do have momentum, DO bounce around the room, as you suggest. Each time a photon, which is smaller than the parts of an atom, strikes an object, it interacts with the electrons in the object, changes direction and "bounces.". With each bounce, some of the proton's energy is released as heat. This bouncing continues at the speed of light, until the photons almost instantaneously disappear.

Wannabe Vulcan, Speed
Light travels at about 300 million meters per second, while sound travels at about 340 meters per second in air. Btw

at this time, nothing travels faster than the speed of light... objects in space are often measured in "light years" and we wouldn't be able to get to them in one or two lifetimes because of how far they are. there are theories are being able to bend space or find or create worm holes for travel however, that technology is likely not going to be developed in our, or our children's lifetimes.

Player #27392991
186,000 miles a second woosh