What is the maximum wingspan measurement of "Andean condor"?
Correct answer: 3.3 meters

Being that big & strong, it's a jolly good job that human beings aren't on their menu!!

The Condor is the largest vulture.

Veronica, it’s a beautiful bird. I saw them in Cusco Peru flying from one mountain to another mountain at 3 pm when the tour guide told us it would happen. Amazing stuff

Condor, my favorite birds . I hope to see them one day.

This question answers mine! Thank you!

My favorite birds. I hope to see them one day.

Player Say what!?
If you looked up and saw one soaring above you, you would be justified in saying, "It's a bird, a plane. No, it's a Condor!"

Magnificent flying machines 😀 as a Bird person was durprized at my response of bursting into tears when I held a Condor feather 🪶 😀