Which city has the oldest underground railway (subway) system?
Correct answer: London

Imagine being the first person to suggest digging tunnels and running trains under the city. Quite the visionary!

Farringdon not Farrington

Player #10639782
it's how Paddington Bear gets around

when the bubonic plague hit, hundreds were hastily burried in what were known as 'plague pits' without coffins.
Various resources hold that there are a number of places where engineers hit bodies… or tried to avoid them. Catharine Arnold, in her 2006 book Necropolis: London and Its Dead, writes: “At the spot where Brompton Road and Knightsbridge now meet, excavations for the Piccadilly Line between Knightsbridge and South Kensington Underground stations unearthed a pit so dense with human remains that it could not be tunnelled through. This is said to account for the curving nature of the track between the two stations.”

Player en_846
First time I remember going on it in 1984, you could smoke on it, and the carriages had wooden floors.

Player #20933307, don’t bother, it isn’t

circus boy, ask them about the fire at charing cross

Player #20933307, not a ‘fun’ ride especially not in rush hour. Merely a means of transport. The majority of doesn’t even have aircon and London now experiences pretty hot weather in summer.

circus boy
Player en_846, smoking with wooden floors.... A fire waiting to happen

My first overseas trip was to London. Bought a day pass and rode the trains all day.

player384555, also, the reason SE London lacks the tube is because of the ground: too chalky to safely tunnel.

Player #20933307
I would like ride in one , one day if possible ! looks like a fun ride .